Why us

  • High-quality and scarce raw materials: We have a unique advantage of a three-dimensional climate in a low-latitude plateau along the Tropic of Cancer, where tea grows in high mountain clouds and fog all year round, making it an ideal climate for tea growth. Thanks to our ancestors' planting hundreds of years ago, the roots of the ancient trees have penetrated deep into the soil to absorb nutrients, creating a unique flavor that other teas do not have.
  • Sustainable and ethical sourcing: As local residents, we are committed to sourcing fresh tea from ethical and sustainable farmers to ensure that our products are natural and pollution-free, with stable quality that is recognized by our customers. A frequent dealer passing by may not always be able to identify the farmer and the tea trees, and they may not always be able to obtain priority purchase rights for high-end trees without occasional drinking inferior white wine mixed with edible alcohol with minority brothers.
  • Affordable prices: As locals, our products do not include any additional middleman markup, which is why we offer competitive prices on all of our products. While there may be local suppliers offering competitive prices, cultural differences and the internet may make it difficult to access them remotely. The products that are easily accessible remotely are usually in the hands of dealers with good sales performance who have significantly marked up their prices. However, we do not take advantage of this and become complacent. Instead, we earn a reasonable profit and export products recognized worldwide. This is our business vision.
  • Simplify your choices: Even in China, it is not easy to find pure and affordable Pu erh tea. Differences in product knowledge and information have led to huge profits from counterfeiting or false advertising, fueling the market's frenzy and speculation. We try to simplify your choices in packaging, type, and most importantly, price, so that you can intuitively and simply enjoy the value-for-money Pu erh tea from deep in the mountains of Yunnan, instead of listening to the legendary story of expensive Pu erh tea and receiving ordinary tea sold at discounted prices by dealers.